
This service takes a Base64 encoded DataURI via a POST request, and responds with a URL representing the decoded image. It's useful as a Javascript API to take a screenshot of an HTML5 canvas and convert it to a URL that can then be shared on social networks.

The way we originally envisioned using this was for a project that generated custom canvas images. We wanted to share a screenshot of the canvas on Facebook. So we used this in combination with the following project to convert the canvas to an image and wrap it in a page with opengraph META tags in real time. See the following complementing project:

Live production instance

The main production instance for your use:



Documentation site:

The main API is the following path, used in POST requests:

The POST request parameters accepted:

  • 'image[data_uri]': The 64 bit encoded string representing the image

The expected response: A JSON response containing a URL to the decoded image. For example:

{ url: '' }

Motivation and Benefits

When you have a custom HTML5 canvas, you can use this project to convert the DataURI (the 64 bit JS-serialized screenshot of the canvas) to a globally reachable Image URL.


For some reason you've 64-bit encoded an HTML5 canvas rendering of President Obama giving a speech, using Javascript:

var img_uri= canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

Yes, you can render this as an IMG tag within the same app. But how would you, say, share it on Facebook? You'd need to convert it to a URL first:

  # Make a POST request to '' with param 'image[data_uri]' set to the above DataURI input.
  # This could be from an HTML form with a textarea, or programmatically using an AJAX POST request.

The result:

{ url: '' }


MIT License. Use with credit and care.

i.e.: Rendered Image